It is a great help if you give a job or a side job to homeless who are looking for a work.
If you give us the goods such as clothes, necessities, bags, shoes, socks, food and computers, we will hand it to them or let them use in Dream City.
Or you can help Dream City with financial support to help the homeless.
Dream City reports financial status everyday through Korean website.
If you click 한글 Korean in the first page of Dream City website, you may see the daily finance status.
In English website, financial status is reported by week.
If you are in Korea, you can use our bank account as follows
* Woori Bank 1005-501-812717 Name : Dream City Mission Church
* Kookmin Bank 098901-04-055589 Name : Dream City Mission Church
* Post office 010959-01-003131 Name : Dream City Mission Church
* Nonghyup Bank 301-0083-2728-41 Name : Dream City Mission Church
We highly appreciate your contribution.
You can receive the tax deduction for your donation.
For the receipt, please contact us.
If you are in the other countries
You may visit your bank and ask them to send our bank account directly with our bank information as follows;
Bank Name : WOORI BANK
Bank Address : 1585, SANGAM-DONG, MAPO-GU,
Account no. : 1005-501-812717
Account Name : Dream City Mission Church
Telephone : (82) 10-9369-5318, (82)2-6352-0852
Address : 43-60 Dongja-dong,
Yongsan-ku, Seoul, KOREA
If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We highly appreciate your contribution for the better world.
We do our best to get the best efficiency to help the poor with your help.
Thank you so much for your interest and help.